Adult Hikayeler

Deviant Suitemates Ch. 04

This is a story loosely based on my experiences in college. Loose enough that this could be called fiction. Obviously names and dates have been changed. All character’s mentioned in sexual references are 18 years of age or older. I hope you love my characters. Enjoy!

* * * * * * * * *

It was the first day of classes. Maddy was again the first to wake. She slept closest to the wall, with her head on Andy’s chest. As she opened her eyes she saw sunlight had filled the room. The TV was off and the blankets slipped off Byron’s waist.

Her eyes widened at the sight of his dick draped over his right leg. It was at least the size of Andy’s.

‘Maybe bigger’, she thought. ‘Definitely longer. And Andy’s cock was huge.’

Lexi’s alarm blared. It was 8 a.m. Not yet set to a local station, it was mostly loud static.

A topless Lexi appeared on the other side of Byron and scrambled to turn off the alarm clock.

As Byron and Andy stirred awake, Maddy watched Lexi stretch. She wanted to get to her shower before Lexi. Unlike the day before, she wanted to shower alone.

‘No point in being modest now,’ Maddy thought, as she got out of bed.

Byron opened his eyes to the amazing sight of Maddy’s huge tits swinging left to right. Maddy quickly grabbed her robe and disappeared into the bathroom.

Lexi found herself a t-shirt, but not before Andy got a good look at her plump boobs himself. His morning wood stirred as he watched Lexi dress. As the guys made themselves decent, Lexi got her things ready for class.

At one point Andy thought he’d try to get lucky. Thinking with the wrong head, he casually wandered over to the bathroom door. He tried to move stealthily as Byron had cradled Lexi from behind.

However when he turned the handle, Andy found the door locked.

“Ha! Denied,” Lexi teased. “You’ll be lucky to interrupt one of Maddy’s showers.”

Andy chuckled, but looked a bit crestfallen, as he sat back in Maddy’s bed. After a few moments, Maddy emerged from the bathrooms covered in her robe. With much less of an awkward departure than the night before, the two couples said their goodbyes.

Andy hugged Maddy. Lexi hugged and kissed Byron, who then took it upon himself to offer Maddy a hug. Maddy happily returned the hug. It wasn’t a friend hug, but a full embrace. Byron pulled Maddy’s wet body into his. Her tits pressed against his chest.

“Bye ladies,” Byron said, turning once again to Lexi, after squeezing Maddy with all his might. “Text you later?”

“Sure,” Lexi replied, cheerily.

“Y’all have a good first day,” Andy said to them as the two left the dorm room. The suite was empty, with blankets folded neatly on the couch.

* * * * * * * * *

Lexi and Maddy strolled through the sunny campus still laughing about the night’s exploits. Maddy wore a gray and blue off-shoulder top with capri jeans, while Lexi wore an Eagles T-shirt and jean shorts. Each had thoroughly enjoyed their classes and were now headed to the Cafe for a late lunch.

“So much for ‘I’m not gonna fuck him,'” Maddy teased her friend. “You guys were rounding home plate, when we came in.”

“First, you don’t round home plate,” Lexi corrected her friend. “You round third. Home is the end.”

“Oh okay,” Maddy rolled her eyes. “So was last night more of a touchdown for you?”

“Stick to one sport, Maddy,” Lexi laughed, as they entered the dining hall. “Annnd….it was kind of a home run for me.”

“Yeah I saw,’ Maddy said. ” Um….looked like he…….Byron, kind of….. had his way with you.”

“Yeah,” Lexi responded, “He’s pretty ….dominant.”

They ordered their food and Lexi picked out a similar spot near the back of the cafe. They sat side-by-side as they usually do.

“But let’s talk about you, cowgirl,” Lexi started, before digging into her salad.

Maddy felt her face blush. She didn’t say anything, but instead stuffed her face with a big bite of chicken salad.

“Oh yeah,” Lexi teased. “I look over; and what do I see? Andy’s mustache buried under your thighs.”

Maddy swallowed, before quietly speaking to herself.

“Came all over his face,” she said, in a voice that was barely audible.

“What was that!?” Lexi said, leaning into her friend’s personal space.

“I came,” Maddy said loudly. “All over his face.”

The two girls noticed a student in a brown baseball hat, whose eyes widened as he walked past with his food tray.

They giggled as they both tucked into their food.

“They probably think we’re a couple of sluts,” Maddy said, after a few minutes.

“Who the fuck cares,” Lexi said. “They’re a couple of sluts. They didn’t even ask our last names.”

“Oh ….What’s Byron’s last name?” Maddy asked Lexi.

“Oaks!” Lexi exclaimed.

Lexi laughed, as Maddy considered that she hadn’t even thought about Andy’s last name.

“Don’t worry about it,” Lexi said. “Since when do you gotta know someone’s full name before you put your pussy in their face? Looked like you had a nice ride. He made you cum?”

“Yeah,” Maddy Ankara bayan escort said, breathlessly. “But I felt like I did all the work.”

“Well, you are very pragmatic,” Lexi said, with her cheeks full.

“What’s that mean?”

“You know,” Lexi said. “Like ….uh…realistic or….determined –“

“No, I mean what’s me being pragmatic, have to do with last night?” Maddy said.

“Oh…Well you were horny as hell yesterday,” Lexi said. “I know you Maddy. I can tell. I knew you’d get yourself off, if someone else didn’t….I just didn’t think it’d be with you climbing all over Andy’s face.”

“I guess, I just got so hot seeing you and Byron,” Maddy said. “I haven’t seen you get fucked like that since…that first month with Alan. Remember?”

“Awww…The party at Eva’s house?”

“Yeah,” said Maddy. “I don’t even think Alan remembers that night. What are you doing about that, by the way? You talked to Alan?”

“Ugh….I’ve been texting him,” Lexi said. “I’ve been saying I’m busy, but he’ll start to think something is up if I don’t start calling him at night.”

“Well, you got what you wanted from Byron. Break it off with him and smooch with your boyfriend tonight.”

“What, over the phone?” Lexi asked. “Yeah, right. Aaaand I may not be done with the fake football player.”

“Oh,” Maddy said, raising her eyebrows. “You wanna go steady with By? Make it exclusive? “

“I didn’t say all that” Lexi said, eyeing two tall guys approaching with their trays full.

“Good afternoon,” said the taller of the two. “Mind if we join you ladies? The cafe is pretty full.”

The two college girls looked at each other. Lexi smirked.

“Sure,” she said, her blue-grey eyes flashing at the guys. “I’m Lexi. This is Maddy.”

* * * * * * * * *

“My classes are dope,” Byron said, to Andy. “My major is dope. I got this fine ass professor.”

“Oh yeah?” Andy said. “What class?”

The two were walking back to their student apartments, after running into each other on campus.

“It’s called Today’s Sports Media,” Byron said. “We’re just gonna be talking about sports and how it gets covered. Professor’s name is Stacy Shane. She be on CBS sometimes.”

“I don’t watch sports,” Andy said. He was scrolling through his phone, trying to decide if he should text Maddy.

“She is sexy as hell. She’s tall, blondish…and obviously a woman talking sports is sexy,” Byron said as they climbed the steps. “She’s like a tall Lexi.”

“Oh, got Lexi on the brain now, have you?” Andy said, as they approached their door.

“More like on this brain,” Byron replied, pointing at his own crotch.

“Okay, that was too easy,” Andy said. “I gave you that one.”

Andy opened the door to their apartment’s suite and their smiles turned to frowns. Byron’s Playstation was in the middle of the floor, with open cases all around. Loose discs were scattered across the floor and table. There were bags and food wrappers from the Cafe on the table.

Their two roommates, Leonardo and Broderick were on the common room couch, stuffing their faces and playing Madden. Even from the door, Byron and Andy could see food juices splattered on some of the discs left out on the table.

“What the fuck!” Byron hollered, entering the large common room.

“Oh hey! By,” Leonardo said. “You don’t mind us playin your game, eh?”

“Mother fucker you didn’t ask!” Byron yelled, obviously fuming. “Why the fuck are my games all over the floor? These are 60 bucks a piece!”

“Okay. Hey! Sorry,” Broderick said, as Byron turned off the game and started picking up his discs from the floor. “It’s not a big deal.”

“It’s pretty messed up, man,” Andy said, helping clean up as Byron frantically collected the cases. “You guys didn’t have to trash the place.”

“What do you care?” Broderick said to Andy. “You guys haven’t even been here the last two days.”

“What the fuck does that matter?” Byron said, cleaning his last disc with a cleaning cloth. “Look, don’t fucking touch my shit anymore, okay!”

Leonardo stood up. Squaring up with Byron, the effect was less than dramatic, as he stood four inches shorter than Byron.

“Or what?” Leonardo said.

“Or I’ll shove my fucking fist down your throat!” Byron hollered, stepping forward.

“Okay!” Andy said, as Leonardo started to reply. He got between the two before they came to blows. “Look, maybe we could agree to respect each others’ space and things. It’s a long year guys.”

“Whatever you losers,” Broderick said, standing up. He was a chunky guy wearing a too small t-shirt. “We’ve got a few sluts to meet anyway. Ain’t that right Leo?”

Leonardo was still glaring at Byron, as he made to leave. The two headed out of the dorm, leaving Byron and Andy to scoff at each other.

“Man, he’s lucky he didn’t catch an elbow to the face,” Andy said, to Byron.

Byron was still fuming as he put his Playstation back into the television stand.

“I hate those guys,” Byron said. “Look at this place. It’s a wreck. They just left all their trash everywhere.”

They Escort bayan Ankara started cleaning, as they continued complaining about their roommates.

“They said they were bringing some girls? How would they bring girls to this pigsty?” Andy asked.

“They don’t get girls,” Byron said, throwing the last of their trash away. “They’re probably gonna go rub one out in their cars.”

“Well, now that they’re gone, wanna play some Soul Calibur?”

Byron sighed.

“Yeah. I suppose kicking your ass would blow off some steam,” Byron said.

“Maddy blew off some steam, yesterday,” Andy said, with a smile.

“Ehhhh…” Byron said, tilting his head.

“Yeah. No, that didn’t really work,” Andy said, as they set up the video game.

Andy did indeed get his ass kicked, losing every round to Byron over the next hour.

Eventually Byron mentioned he needed to get some weed. Once he’d made his call and left, Andy noticed he’d left a sizable roach behind in the ashtray. Figuring Byron wouldn’t miss it, he grabbed the blunt and headed to campus.

He got food from the Cafe and found an outside table to eat his lunch. He finished his food and was just sparking the roach, when he heard someone call out his name.

“Hey, Andy!”

Andy hastily made to hide the blunt, before he turned and saw Lexi and Maddy walking toward his secluded table. They were both beaming as they approached. He thought the two looked fantastic. Lexi’s legs were on display and Maddy’s outfit always looked well-put together. Andy thought it was incredible.

‘How did just looking at Maddy’s exposed shoulder make his dick swell in his jeans?’

“Whatcha doing?” Maddy asked him, before seeing the roach between his fingers. “Ah, a little afternoon smoke sesh?”

“Nothing wrong with that?” Andy replied, as Lexi and Maddy sat down at the picnic table.

“Where’s Byron?” Maddy asked, as Andy lit the blunt again.

“He went to find some more weed,” said Andy, after exhaling.

“Geez, all that kid does is smoke,” Maddy said.

“It does seem to be his favorite pastime. Well….second,” he glanced at Lexi before continuing sheepishly. “…favorite.”

“Thanks for that,” Lexi glared, with a hint of a smirk.

As Maddy and Andy talked about their classes, they laughed like schoolchildren. Lexi was beginning to feel like a third wheel and decided to take off, when she got a text from her boyfriend Alan.

Andy convinced Maddy to take a few hits of weed before it ran out. After a half-hour of talking they decided to stretch their legs. They walked around campus and Maddy found it just as easy talking to Andy, as it had been the day before.

They discussed their classes and majors and went more into their own goals after college. Andy wanted to know at what types of hotels Maddy wanted to work.

“Not work at,” Maddy said. “I want to run a hotel. I didn’t take out this huge loan so I can clean bed sheets and serve drinks.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” Andy said. “So what type of hotel?”

“A big luxury hotel,” Maddy said. “I want to run events and cater to big wigs. When my aunt got married. We went to this grand hotel in Rimini. Oh my gosh. It was beautiful. We met Italian politicians and celebrities.

“I was like eight. I always loved hotels after that,” Maddy finished.

“I can see why,” Andy said.

“What about you?” Maddy asked. “Have any plans after the Marines?”

“Not really,” Andy said, with a shrug. “If I can work for the Marines; not have to do active duty and stay in the states; I figure that’s good enough for now.”

“Okay,” Maddy said, smiling. “Commander Andy…..what’s your last name?”

“It’d be Chief Andy Scott.”

“Andy Scott,” Maddy said, deadpan. “You’ve got two first names. Way to go, Andy Scott’s parents.”

“Hey,” Andy said, indignantly. “What’s your last name?”

“Barrone,” Maddy said. “Please tell me you’ve got a brother named Scott Scott.”

“No,” he said, glaring at Maddy’s teasing.

“No?” Maddy said, her eyebrows raising as she nudged Andy Scott. “Maybe a cousin named… Scotty Scott?”

After an hour of walking around Maddy was getting hot and tired.

“Hey, why don’t you show me where you live?” Maddy said.

“You wanna see the campus apartments?”

“Yeah, you guys have a kitchen, right? We thought about signing up for apartments, but decided to save money in the dorms.”

They made their way over to the apartments, as the sun began to set. Maddy was interested to see how Andy and Byron lived. But when they entered the dorm, Andy was again forced to frown at the scene. Broderick and another girl were playing Byron’s Playstation.

The girl’s hoodie was strewn across the floor. She had platinum blonde hair, but it was matted on one side and frayed. Her tank top was two sizes too-small for her muffin-top belly and her blue jeans shorts had a visible stain in the leg.

“Hey, hey Big Andy,” Broderick said, cheerfully. “How’s it hanging? Who’s the broad?”

“The fuck?” Andy muttered under Bayan escort Ankara his breath, before stepping into the room. Even though Andy and Byron had just cleaned, the place was a wreck.

An open pizza box was on the table, with a half finished pizza. One of the game cases was in the open lid. Candy wrappers, cooler bottles and beer cans littered the table. There was also a spilled bag of Doritos on the floor.

“Didn’t Byron say he didn’t want ya’ll playing with his game?” Andy asked him.

“I mean he was angry, but he won’t do anything,” Broderick said, shrugging. “Besides, Sylvie wanted to play.”

Andy’s eyes narrowed. The girl smiled and batted her fake eyelashes at him. She had caked on a lot of blue eyeshadow and she was missing one of her canines.

“How old are you?” Andy asked her.


“Townie,” Maddy whispered in Andy’s ear, when she saw he was confused.

As Andy comprehended, he walked over and turned off the Playstation.

“I don’t know much about games,” Andy started. “But I know when a gamer says ‘Don’t touch their games’, you don’t touch ’em.”

Maddy watched, as Andy demanded the controller from his suitemate. He then walked over and unplugged Byron’s game from the TV.

“And don’t even think of coming in my room,” Andy said. “I’d hate to have to fuck you up.”

‘Who was this guy?’ Maddy thought, smiling inwardly at Andy’s new more dominant demeanor.

As he gestured for Maddy to follow him, Andy thought he saw Broderick start to respond, before he shrugged.

Andy opened the door and was forced for the third time that day to turn his nose up.

“Uhghh!” Andy and Maddy both reacted together. The room smelled like ass, wine and cigarettes.

Leonardo was in the bed behind a large, pale woman, pounding away at her wide behind. Her face was stuffed into the crotch of another middle-age guy, who was sitting in front of the short-haired woman, with his hairy legs wide open.

The woman, who looked to be in her mid-thirties, was huffing and moaning with her mouth around his balls, her wide butt rippling under Leonardo’s thrusts. Except for a short nod, Leonardo barely acknowledged his roommate, as he plowed the woman from behind.

Maddy and Andy exchanged a look of disgust, before quickly backing out of the room and closing the door.

“Who….the hell,” Andy asked, turning to Broderick. “…was that?”

“Oh yea,” Sylvie sneered. “My Aunt Cindy and her boyfriend went in there with your friend, about a hour ago.”

“Gross,” Maddy muttered, under her breath.

“What was that, tramp?” Sylvie spat, her head snapping toward Maddy.

“I said gross, bitch,” Maddy said, audibly.

“Oh, what the fuck?” Sylvie said, wiping her nose and sniffing as she stood. “You think you’re better than me? Huh!?”

“Kinda,” Maddy said, in a speaking voice.

“OH!..Kaaay,” Andy said, stepping in front of Maddy, as Sylvie came around the table. “Let’s just leave Brod and his Evansvillians here.”

Maddy giggled and agreed to wait outside while Andy grabbed some things. After holding his breath and blocking out as much peripheral vision as he could (Aunt Cindy now had her legs wide open, while the two were trying to double-penetrate her), Andy grabbed a gym bag and threw in clothes and some personal items.

He got out as fast as he could and shot a glare at his suitemate, before heading out the front door.

“You okay?” Maddy asked. “You need to douse your eyes with bleach?”

“I’ve seen some things man,” Andy said, in a low raspy voice.

“Oh yeah?” Maddy laughed.

“Yeah…and some stuff too!”

They spent the whole walk back to the dorm, bashing Andy’s suitemates.

“And when they said they were ‘gunna get some sluts’,” Andy said, as they walked into O’Bannon Hall. “I thought they meant …you know…classmates. Not some gross townies.”

“If you hadn’t said anything, I might’ve knocked another tooth out her mouth,” Maddy said, angrily.

Andy laughed and nudged her shoulder as they walked, making Maddy shake her head and smile. They went into their dorm, after speaking to Jennifer who was doing homework on the suite table.

When they entered the dorm room, Lexi was in a tank top and short-shorts while sitting on her bed. She was on the phone and cocked her head at Maddy, when she saw Andy was back.

“Oh! And Maddy just walked in,” Lexi said into the phone. “Yep. Of course, Alan said ‘hi’.'”

“Hey, Alan!” Maddy called out, awkwardly.

“He asked, ‘how were classes’,” Lexi said, as Andy put his bags on the floor.

“Okay,” Maddy said. “How’s Wisconsin?”

“He said ‘fine’,” Lexi said. “Okay Alan, I don’t wanna be rude, so I gotta go…..uh……okay, tell me about your……okay tell me about that, then I’ve gotta go.”

As Lexi ho-hummed her way through Alan’s story, Maddy sat on the bed. Family feud was muted on the television. Andy sat Byron’s Playstation on the desk, before hopping onto Maddy’s bed.

Maddy felt conflicted. Seeing Andy’s roommate fucking that woman was a disgusting, yet oddly erotic sight. The idea of it; some thirty-year-old tramp hopping on the first young dick she could find; her boyfriend wanting to watch; a college student horny enough to fuck a fat townie; all had Maddy’s nipples hardening.

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