
Promotion of a Naturist


I was sitting in Eric’s office wondering what my career options were. Not that I had done much wrong, except maybe get too involved with Suzanne Wallace, a very smart sexy red head four years my senior, but I suspect there was a bit of gossip about that around the office anyway. I really thought I needed to get a career bump or move on. However things were not good back home in Somerset and I just did not know what was going to happen up here in Derby. Just then Eric walked in carrying a letter.

“Jason, you look like you have all the woes in the world sitting on your shoulders.” Said Eric Jones. As he walked round behind the old mahogany desk in his office. He picked up a phone and spoke to a lady on the other end, “Can you get Jason Allan’s file and bring it in.”

“So Jason, we spoke a couple of months ago about finding you a new opportunity and you know I talked about making some changes here.” Eric went on.

“Sure I remember some loose conversations, but I don’t recall any comments about my involvement or what the impact may be for me, on top of that I am not sure I can see what there is for me here to develop my career and as well as that there are some family issues I might need to help with at home in Clevedon.” I replied, trying to set out a position to negotiate with but almost giving it away before I started.

“Well, set that aside, I may have an opening you might like, but first let me explain some changes I am thinking about here…” countered Eric. For the next half hour Eric explained about his move up the chain and what he felt was his chance to reshape things with a dynamic young new manager that would be tougher on discipline than him and had the drive to move things on. I was thinking that his plan will put the rest of us on hold here as there were a few older people around just waiting for Eric to move on and looking to fill his shoes, and then replace his old mahogany desk. “So I want Suzanne to take my old job here and move into this office.” Eric looked at me to see my expression, then laughed. “Shit Jason you should play poker, your face is just blank, yet a few minutes ago, I thought I could see all your troubles.”

In truth my thoughts were now in turmoil, I even missed the delivery of my own HR file, but I wanted to keep a straight face and try to figure if I was going to end up working for the woman that I was planning to skip off on holiday and sleep with for two weeks. I had set it up but we had agreed a brief: sunshine, sunbathing, some exercise, swimming and a little culture and lots of fun, but no romance, that was not on her agenda, though I am sure sex was, but I arranged the rest, and nobody at work except Suzanne knew of the plans. We just happened to have booked the same time off. “Well honestly, Eric, I am trying to think how I fit into this as clearly you invited me into the room for something.” I tried to start setting out my position again.

In truth I was thinking about last Friday and Saturday night. I had met the tall redhead at her flat to fill her in on our holiday plans that I made, as they were. Twelve nights on the west coast of France, the first six of them already booked in a chalet on a site near La Palmyre, the rest we would sort out when there, depending on her liking the area or not. The arrangements were not what I was thinking about, it was the fact while I filled her in on the holiday, I filled her sweet little ginger pussy in with my hard cock and loved the way she clawed my back and kissed my face as we hit our climaxes with her long legs clamped behind my back. This had come with not an insignificant amount of practice over the past year or so on usually one or occasionally two nights most weekends.

Suzanne and I had started working on and off together almost as soon as I joined the firm three years ago but she was hard to get on with, for most of the staff, as she did not suffer fools gladly at work. We had got on well professionally and after a couple of years and a really hard project, some long days at work ended up down the pub carrying on the planning and problem solving. Then we just started seeing each other discreetly as we had agreed we best not let folks at work know. We were quite close friends but I suspected she did not want a real boyfriend and I had met some of her friends who always seemed a bit surprised to see me with her, it was an easy relationship to keep quiet. Anyway we were going to take a holiday together, I would also take a trip to see my mother and grandmother before the holiday and Suzanne asked if she could meet my family, a strange request given we both knew this was not likely to be a long term relationship and we were keeping a lid on it around Derby. I was planning to get some sun, have fun with Suzanne and if she was up for it, to screw her as much as she would let me for two weeks.

Back in the office, after my mind had wandered: “I am guessing you really do not fancy working for Suzanne, it is probably not your working relationship Tersaneler Escort that is the issue because you two are great, you both work well for me individually, and together, even if you occasionally squabble about little things you both work it out and get on with it.” Eric smiled, but I knew there was more. “So if I told you that I had told her the same and asked about you, would you be surprised? She said she was okay about being your boss, but she said I would have to ask you about it. She wants a career and wants a promotion and she has some seniority over you. Suzanne has what I am looking for and the time is right to put her in charge. I still think she is worried that you might not get a chance for a long time as she is getting a job that you might be ready for in say a couple of years.” Eric was grinning and looking at me.

“Well that is great for Suzanne, she will do a good job as you vacate the job and move on, congratulations to you both.” I replied.

“Hold on, don’t go shouting it about just yet. We have some leave issues to get through before we make changes. Hers, yours and mine. There is something else I want you to do as well and let me know about.” Eric paused and held my attention, “Before that you can either confirm or deny or whatever it makes no difference, just adds perspective to my opinion. You are seeing Suzanne outside of work aren’t you?”

Shit, shit, shit, we did not want that getting out at work and not back to Eric or those above as it may have forced a move for one of us, besides we were friends, but neither of Suzanne or me saw it going anyplace at this point.

“Well, we are not boyfriend, girlfriend but yes we socialize together occasionally.” I opened up.

“So your leave applications being similar, are no coincidence?” Eric came back as he pulled out two signed off leave forms from a pile on his desk.

“Did you ask Suzanne?”

“Yep, she avoided a straight answer, quoted me bloody rules as well. You know she never quite plays the gender card, but she makes me feel uncomfortable at times as if telling me that she dares me to put her down and discriminate on her being a woman with a career.” Eric looked to the roof, and I laughed at his expression.

“She can do that, but she really is not that bad, I think she is very smart and fiercely loyal to the few friends she has and trusts. That is what makes her come across as a bit of a hard case at times.” She is also to some extent pretty private, I am not sure, even as a friend and colleague, that I totally understand her but I respected her immensely.

“So are you going to avoid the holiday question as well?” Eric pushed again.


“No you are not going on holiday together, or you are not avoiding the question.”

“We have arranged a joint holiday, sharing travel and accommodation, can we leave it at that?”

“Yes, I have not got all day and I don’t care anyway, it is not my business what you do outside work.” Eric laughed, then I laughed with him and I think that gave the game away in the end.

“So you mentioned you have issues at home. Suzanne may block your future career path here and I have an old protégé of mine needing help.” Eric said. It was my turn to look bemused now. Pushing on Eric said, “I have this old buddy running the South West, and he would like to transfer one of his old hands up here for personal reasons, that will back fill Suzanne’s current role, he starts while you are on leave. That leaves a hole down there but Jenson, Jensen Waldron is my buddy’s name, he wants to fill that guy’s position and expand it a bit with some big projects they have coming their way down there, so he needs a lot of competent help.”

“I see, I feel a but or a suggestion coming?” I said.

“Ha, I suggest you take Friday off and go home, see your family and drop in and see Jenson, 12:00 noon at the Bristol office, he is seeing you and taking you to lunch after, unless you end up being a total dick. So call this number and make arrangements to be out of the office here Friday. Oh and have a great holiday. Before you get back let me know what you and Jensen decide. I will talk with him anyway, but I want to hear it from you.”

So I ended up making arrangements to go back to my mothers and then Suzanne would travel down and meet me there on the Friday evening before we headed off on holiday with a Saturday night ferry crossing. The ferry was booked as a twin bunk cabin and the chalet as a double single bedroom layout. I needed to stay amicable with Suzanne or it could be a long quiet holiday on a sofa bed or floor.

I surprised my mother when I walked in Thursday night around nine pm, she was in a short silk dressing gown with nothing underneath, she still looked great with her blonde hair tied back in a neat ponytail, between her shoulder blades. The nice taught legs under the short robe, showing only a hint of thickening up towards her delicious Escort Tersaneler rump just hidden under the hem of the robe. She jumped in surprise but rushed to meet me when she realized who it was. I could hear the TV loud and clear from the granny annex out the back where I was sure my grandmother was sitting in her easy chair following something on the tv. “Darling, Jason, you’re a day early, what is up? So good to see you, do I get you all to my self for an extra evening then?” My mother enquired as she came to meet me grabbing me into a long smooch on the lips, that was almost a bit too un-motherly, but she held back on using her tongue. So she missed me, what harm is there in that.

I was instructed to get my things up to my room, pop in and say hello to my nan in the annex but let her sleep if she was sleeping. Then get out of my clothes and come join my mother in the front room, she had the heating on to keep it warm enough to sit and chat over some red wine. She would finish making her sandwich and make some more for me. I put my bags in my old room upstairs, stripped off my jeans and shirt, then my underwear and socks. I wandered down to the annex to find my grandmother asleep in the easy chair, so I scooped her up and carried her to bed before she woke. I made her comfortable as she woke up. So we said hello and she wanted to get some sleep, I left her to nod off again and turned her TV off.

I grabbed a towel from the laundry cupboard and went to the living room where mum had laid out a glass of wine beside hers on the coffee table and two ham and mustard sandwiches for me. She was on the couch, robe open showing her tanned tits and wild blonde haired pussy, she patted the couch, “Get over here lover and tell me what is going on and why you are here a day early”. Two hours later we had finished the bottle of red and I had updated mum on work, my casual relationship with Suzanne and my concerns for her and my nan living down here in the big old house my parents had built for our bigger family back then. She had appraised me of how busy she was at work and the care my grandmother needed and her poor state of health. I was informed that my Uncle John was coming with Aunt Karen this weekend to finalize a will and all the legal stuff we needed to sort out about the house and the company the family had owned and was now run by my estranged father. Mother smirked at me when she mentioned Aunt Karen, my only but surely would have been favorite aunt if I had more. My flaccid cock had twitched and given me away at the mention of her name, it occurred to me then that she looked a bit like an older Suzanne and in some ways also the same temperament. Mum had yet to meet Suzanne so I am not sure what made her smirk, apart from my dick twitching.

Next day I got up early as usual went to the bathroom and did my morning ablutions, then I went downstairs still naked and enjoying being home again, to raid the kitchen. I found my mother rushing about fussing over coffee and making up a tray for my grandmother with pills and cereals for breakfast. I went over to her tapped her on the shoulder and rubbed her through her silk robe. “Let me sort that out for Nana, I can help her this morning.” I said. My mother turned grabbed me round the neck and pulled me in for a big hug.

“You are best son I have.” Her old line was still nice to hear. “You know, it is so nice to have my handsome, caring son back home even if it is only a couple of days.” She then pushed me back and made a point of looking me up and down.

“So, does Suzanne know we are like, you know, all naturists in this house when it suits us?”

“No, I am not sure she is ready for that. She is no prude but she needs to be intimate to get naked with somebody, well that is what I think about her anyway.”

“Well, Karen is like that and her and John will be here this afternoon, you know what a party pooper she is around us all, on that issue. If my dear little brother was not besotted with his darling wife, then we could all just be like us. So we won’t try and frighten this woman, colleague, some time lover, holiday companion and total mystery.” She was teasing me.

“It is only one night, we can act like people from the outside textile world for that long, and I suspect you like Karen a lot more than you imply when you complain about her.” I laughed back as we finished loading up my grandmothers tray.

“So about Suzanne, lucky her. You know I think you turned out quite well, if I was younger I would try to catch you, I would definitely bed you. So I can see what this woman sees in you, but no grandchildren coming yet, huh.” If I was not well past all that intimate detail stuff with mum, I would be embarrassed, but there I am standing naked in the kitchen with my mother only in a robe that did not cover her best bits at all, not that she cared.

“How about you mum? You are still a catch, anyone around taking care of you?”

“Sadly, Tersaneler Escort Bayan No, not enough time, work and all this, but I am getting through a lot of batteries.” She joked but I saw how draining it was for her, looking after the big house and holding down her job.

“Go to work, I will go spend some time with Nana and see you this evening.”

“I am only going in for the morning, the carer comes at 10:00 the cleaner is coming today also, so dress before 10:00 and try not to scare them, I will be home after lunch. Oh your aunt and uncle will be here early afternoon, they are driving down from Worcester. You also know your sister will be here as well, she is excited to be able to see you, you know she will give your friend a thorough interrogation to see if she is suitable for you, don’t you?”

“Yes, I have no idea how that is gonna go, you know I love her dearly as a good brother should, but she can drive you nuts at times and introducing her to any of my friends is always my biggest nightmare.” I rolled my eyes at the thought of Sarah and her desire to control my life more than any other relative had, and way more than my mother or any normal mother would.

“She has always admired and looked up to you, she adores you. Like my brother does me, so look after her and acknowledge her and make her feel that you love each other, you are siblings.”

“Mum, you know I do, but there needs to be some boundaries.”

“Why? You thinking like Karen now?” Mum shot back with a smile.

“Go put on your best business dress skirt and blouse, then go kill em at work and get home here to keep all hell from breaking out. I am off to sit with Nana and eat toast and put crumbs all over her bed.” I said as I popped two slice of bread in the toaster and headed off to my grandmothers room with her morning tray in hand.

I spent the rest of the morning till about 9:30, sitting in bed chatting with my grandmother. She was more chipper in the morning but the ravages of a past lifestyle had taken its toll. Her lungs were filled with emphysema, a result of enjoying too many cigarettes in a time when we were all less informed. Between the coughing and gasping we caught up on family and friends and our feelings. In some ways I ended up closer to my Nana than most. She let me know why uncle John was coming to change her will and I would get left most of what property she still owned, missing out my father, but my sister would get her part of the family business as she was in that line of work and she was going to be working at the firm of accountants with my father anyway. Uncle John was technically not related to her so she thought he was neutral in all this, even if he was my uncle and my mothers brother. It was also a bit weird that my grandmother lived with her ex daughter in law, and still occasionally tolerated a visit from her son, that she was duly cutting off, not that he needed her inheritance.

After that I went and dressed, smart business casual, new grey jeans, dress shirt and blazer, for it was a Friday and an informal interview to see what openings they had I might be interested in, down in our South West branch. So I headed into Bristol to the offices there after I let the carer in to see my grandmother, then introduced myself to the cleaner. Apparently they had heard all about me from my grandmother, mother and even my sister when she dropped in on them occasionally. I kind of felt I was bursting their bubble, I may have been portrayed in an overly favorable light by all three of the major females in my life.

It was just before three in the afternoon as I rolled my rather tired old Ford Escort into the drive at home to find a shiny blue Golf Cabriolet sitting beside a dark red Jaguar and my mothers dark green Audi 80. Suzanne had got here early, Uncle John was here and mother was home. I got out closed up my car and went into the house via the back entrance, after hanging my blazer on a hook by the back door, I headed to the lounge where I could hear voices.

Before I got there I heard my name being called and turned just in time to meet a tall athletic blonde in a short summer dress launching herself at me. Like my mother’s homecoming smacker the welcome kiss was not what most would think as sisterly, not even close and despite others being in the house, if I had opened my mouth my crazy sister would have used tongue. I could feel her dress and bra encased breasts squash my chest as she pulled hard on me round the neck and wrapped her bare legs round my waist. I had to grab her ass to steady us both and had a good feel of her butt and found out she was either knickerless or wearing a thong down there under the short summer dress. Who could blame her I had also gone out commando today, nothing under my smart grey jeans, it was warm enough and it was casual dress.

I set down my bouncing little sister. “Sarah, you missed me. Nana’s okay back there?” I stated then asked.

“Gone to have a nap so she is fitter later on, you know she is really unwell. And yes of course I missed you brother, you know I have lots to tell you and let you know about.”

“Yes, but it appears my friend that is meeting me here has arrived early and Uncle John and Aunt Karen are also here. So can we get all the introductions done first.”

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